Hotter than…

I got home yesterday from work, stepped into the house and realized that it was hotter inside than out. (And it was hot yesterday! The hottest day of the year so far, mid to lower 90s.) I thought at first that Molly had chewed all the way through the thermostat wires to the condenser. There was enough slack in the wires that I just cut the wires, pulled out the slack and then reconnected it. Still didn’t work. That is when I noticed a little flashing LED inside the A/C and a sticker on the outside that explained what the blinks mean. There was a short circuit in the 24v power supply….? While I read through all of the electronic schematics, Adrienne hit the Internet. She found the answer. There is a little 3 volt fuse, like the kind you have in your car. It had blown, It was also hidden behind a bunch of wires. So we went looking…Home Depot…nada…Wal-Mart..they had a mini fuse, but that wasn’t going to work…Auto Zone…Bingo! Went home, plugged that bad boy in…Cool air! It ran half of the night cooling the house down.